The Phoenix Festival 24th & 25th August 2024

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

Well, it’s that lovely time of year again when The Phoenix Festival looks forward to another great free event with lots of people attending and enjoying themselves. The dates for your diaries are Saturday 24th August & Sunday 25th August 11.00am – 10pm both days. The Phoenix Festival is a volunteer community music and arts […]

Conscious Sedation

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

For many people the prospect of dental treatment is quite daunting and can cause huge anxiety. Here at Claudine Gourlay’s dental practice we offer conscious sedation. This ensures dental treatment is a much better experience for our anxious patients. After an initial suitability assessment, conscious sedation can be used for any treatment from simple fillings […]

We would like to introduce you to Laura, our new Dentist

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

Dr Laura Harvey-Cove BSc (Hons), BDS, MJDF RCS Eng Laura was born and raised in Cirencester by her Mum and Dad, Peter and Linda Cove. She is one of two children and her long-suffering brother Andrew is 6 years her senior. She grew up playing in the Abbey grounds, attended Kingshill School and Pates Grammar […]


Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

Relaxed Jaw Position Place the tongue lightly on the top of your mouth behind your upper front teeth, allowing the teeth to come apart and relaxing the jaw muscles.   ‘Goldfish’ Exercise 1 (partial opening)  1. Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth. 2. Place one index finger on the TMJ. 3. Place […]

Stress & TMJ

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

With the current climate, it’s understandable if you are feeling a little stressed. You may have noticed you are clenching or grinding your teeth. Stress may subconsciously contribute to us clenching more frequently than usual, which creates more pressure within the jaw (or temporomandibular joints). Over time, this can lead to poor control of the […]


Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

Over the last 6 months, we have had some alterations to the practice. We can’t wait to show you around when you next visit. We would like to say a huge thank you to the lovely Lydia for helping us with a few finishing touches.

Sugar free polos

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

Recently Jacky sent some sugar free Polo’s to the horses at the Glenda Spooner farm in Somerset. The farm is a World Horse Welfare centre. Their mission is to work with horses, horse owners, communities, organisations and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out suffering in the UK and worldwide. Ultimately aiming for […]

We have been chosen!

Claudine Dental Practice - St Cirencester

We have such lovely patients and receive many thank you letters. We wanted to share this one in particular as it really made us smile.